生態桂冠詩人蓋瑞‧史耐德與其動物倫理觀The Poet Laureate of Deep Ecology Gary Snyder and His Animal Ethics
走過死蔭的幽谷,卻進入更黑暗的未來? ──談狂犬病疫情後的台灣的流浪動物問題Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, yet into an Even Darker Future? -the Stray Animal Problem under the Threat of Rabies in Taiwan
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, yet into an Even Darker Future? -the Stray Animal Problem under the Threat of Rabies in Taiwan 走過死蔭的幽谷,卻進入更黑暗的未來? ──談狂犬病疫情後的台灣的流浪動物問題
撲殺動物作為疫情控制手段之倫理爭議: 觀察德語系國家如何運用強制性先決條件降低民眾的疑慮 Can the Killing of Animals for Disease Control Purposes be Ethically Acceptable? How the Use of Mandatory Preconditions Mitigates Public Concerns in German-speaking Countries
陳學聖立委對農委會質詢 雙方書面資料
「動物權」之哲學論述——什麼是動物權?動物權為何重要?Animal Rights: What They Are, and Why They Matter