

作者:增進動物福祉協會 提供


增進動物福祉協會  提供


藉由認知飲食中的道德觀,我們可以避免汙染空氣、土壤。例如大量如瀉湖般大小未經處理肥料(動物糞便)、化學肥料滲漏到或被施用於陸地上的土壤和河川,還有為了使動物在不正常、不自然的居住環境下仍能苟延殘喘的化學藥物。對於社會大眾,我們缺乏針對「營養真相」的知識教育,亦不認為有道德上的責任,也無道德上的認知來執行教育。因此,所謂的現代均衡飲食觀念反而成了有害影響。最後,我們鮮少反省使用動物製品飽足自己的行為是否缺乏道德考量 。

















The Ethics of Food

When we talk about ethics it would be safe to assume that we are applying it to almost every aspect of our lives. Interestingly enough do we rarely consider to apply much, if any ethics towards the foods we consume. How exactly does ethics come to play a role in our choices of food. The matter is that what we produce and how we produce the foods we consume have very profound consequences to the environment, our personal health, society and as in the focus of this article, the lives of billions of animals that are being barbarically exploited.

By acknowledging ethics in the foods we can avoid for instance the polluting of our air, soil and water through both the vast amounts of untreated manure (animal feces) the size of lagoons that leak or that are applied to the soil and rivers of our lands, as well as the industrial chemicals used as fertilizers and pharmaceutical drugs given to animals to maintain them alive under the abnormal and unnatural conditions they live in. The lack of ethics to properly educate the public on the facts of nutrition is a reflection of the detrimental effects of the so called modern day balanced diet. Lastly, there is an array of social implications that we as a society rarely question by unconsciously disregarding ethics when it comes to feeding ourselves with the use of animal products.

Can you recall or imagine a discussion on the moral and ethic issues of politics, religion, sexism, racism or human rights over dinner? Arguments and thoughts would be exchanged while consuming on a chicken wing or piece of beef. Much wouldn't be noticed but if you try to have a discussion on animal rights or the ethics of using animals in general, chances are dinner itself is the subject of discord.

Over 150 years ago many countries considered human slavery as common practice but of course it's not socially acceptable today. About 100 years ago, children were part of the labor force, where no laws existed to protect them. Women at one period of time did not have equal rights as a citizen and in some countries today they still do not and we obviously do not question that as absurd and an injustice. Our lack of action to help the homeless was not a social concern many years back then but as we know today society has reassessed its moral obligation to those less fortunate in our society. The practice of segregation and racism were not that long ago. We saw how people blatantly abused their fellow citizens, disgracing and humiliating them in various situations often done by those in power and authority. If we look back at the history of humanity, we will see that there were numerous social norms accepted by society, which nowadays society has now frowned upon or still aiding those in their struggle to break those archaic ideologies.

Just as there is a need to evolve technologically, our morals must equally evolve or surpass that technology. Otherwise, what we will encounter is a civilization with a certain level of technological power and capacity, but with little morals to over see the use of that science. This being the case, ultimately we can be our own downfall. Many people are familiar with Leo Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw , Mahatma Gandhi, Pythagoras, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein  just to name a few, these individuals contributed a great deal to society with the purpose to help society evolve both morally and technologically. These individuals from diverse circles of studies, fields and social status have shared similar beliefs regarding ethics and the treatment of animals in society. The 15 century Inventor, artist, and philosopher Leonardo Da Vinci stated that, "I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men. ” This man like many other philosophers, scientists, inventors and contributors to society realized that for social development and human survival, humanity is required and will at some point need to change its concepts in the treatment of animals. As citizens of a so called modern civilization, we are morally obligated to insure the wellbeing of all its members. Seeking to provide this entails to evolve morally and ethically without stipulations to any class or category of human or non-human animals.  
Today, society views as a norm the methodical and systematic inhumane treatment and barbaric slaughter of more than 56,000,000,000 animals, every year for food, and this is not including the countless billions of marine animals. Society's acceptance and participation of these practices are done for pleasure profit or gain of some kind.

If you take for a moment to conceive that the number 56 billion is 7 times more than the human population, you will also come to realize that this requires to redirect vast amounts of food and fresh water supplies. What this comes down to is that the 1 billion people are starving on our planet, and the 1 billion lacking fresh drinking water come second, and satisfying our palate or pocket in profiting are higher priorities.
We should be aware that we ourselves are Human Animals and the other species we commonly refer to as animals are in actuality Non-Human Animals. We have taken these innocent non-human animals and have been continuously replicating every form of injustice and immorality that we have done to our fellow man in the past and present.
Discrimination is defined as the unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc. Consequently by assigning different values or rights to beings on the basis of their species is defined as Speciesism. Therefore, our actions are nothing less than discriminatory. Hence we are being Speciesist (e.g. racist, sexist, etc..) We have imprisoned them, have and currently preformed premeditated murder on the distorted notion that ‘’might is right'’ as we have done to other humans with holocausts and genocides. They are being oppressed and enslaved for food, entertainment or some other similar ill constructed reasoning. They are ridiculed, humiliated, physically and mentally broken down to submission. If you and I were in their position, placed to perform in ways that are unnatural to us, or to be raised from young isolated and prohibited to experience the natural social behaviors and the individual needs a living being requires, we would go mad. As with all sentient beings we thrive to live, feel pleasure, seek shelter and food, avoid pain, fear, suffering and death. For many of the non-human animals, which science is aware, they can clearly express deep social and family-like bonds. Ultimately, they are just like you and I.

We have placed and transformed these living sentient beings to commodities and objects of property, processing them as we would do so as with any other product placed on an assembly line.
For a moment, envision a the long cold corridor trailed by a mechanical apparatus from which these living beings are hung upside while awaiting a bloody and agonizing death. Along the these corridors, people like you and I with the capacity to sympathize with the pain and suffering of others, are required to stand at their posts with the task to restrain another living being preparing it to be violently murdered, while the screams and cries of those that have passed along those same sections are heard. Some receive a fierce blow to the head with the intention of rendering them unconscious, but in fact this proves to be unsuccessful the majority of the time. However, this procedure allows their slaughter to be categorized as ‘’humane’’. The conveyer belt moves along carrying the lifeless bodies of most while for some unfortunate ones having to slowly linger, due to the slow and poorly executed method of slaughter, they slip away to their death as they may go through other sections of the factory hurled into extremely boiling water. Afterwards, to be dismembered and gutted followed by other final routine operations based on the industry’s needs.

Not only do we have a complete disregard for the lives of the animals awaiting and going through these experiences but as well as for the lives of the individuals obligated to work in these facilities. As long as a demand by the public exists there will be positions to be filled in these slaughtering facilities. Those that fill these positions, if given an alternative would more than likely choose one that does not require them to brutally kill another being. It is questionable to cause pain, suffering or death out of necessity or survival, it is even more so if these cruel practices are done merely for pleasing the palate, matters of fashion, entertainment or gain. Savagely killing on a daily basis for 8-12 hours a day has its effects on an individual’s emotional psychological and physical well being. Statistics show not only are these individuals highly injured, but they also suffer from similar symptoms of (PTD) Post Traumatic Disorder as those affected by the experience of war. Many resort to substance abuse, domestic violence and more as a way to cope with these inhumane practices. We need to ask ourselves what kind of members of society we are producing or silently educating through the use of animals or animal derived products.

Among these cruel practices are the production and use of eggs and milk. Eggs, the menstruation of an animal, are laid using methods that cause suffering and discomfort to the hens. Firstly, the hen has been genetically modified.  Then she is made at times to be starved to alter their internal clock in order to lay more eggs. Often the eggs are too large causing the uterus to collapse and so much more but little do people know. Milk, the liquid meat, intended for a calf is processed for human consumption. The calf is deprived of the much-needed milk, just as any baby needs to be breast-fed. The baby cow is torn away from it’s mother, causing emotional distress for both, as observed by the farmers and researchers. Shortly after, the baby is slaughtered. Many deliberately choose to ignore these truths while others are kept in the dark by marketing strategies that educate our society.
In addition to unconsciously fulfilling our personal needs and ignoring the suffering of others, we feed these same misled ideas to children so that we don’t have to assume the responsibility in changing our actions or to explain our own behavior. For example, for some, it is easier to instill children the practice of turning a blind eye, instead of telling them to examin the reality of ones actions. Unlike adults, children will clearly see the wrong in the mistreatment of animals and while not full of excuses, they do consider the feelings of others, be it human animals or non-human animals. Instead of leading our children up the path of proper morals, empathy, sympathy towards others, virtuous deeds and altruism, we take them down the dark road of ignorance and indifference. Behavior is learned and replicated, ‘Violence breeds violence’, and this is their inheritance. Then, in years to come, chances are what we will have to look forward to are adults imbedded with the same little moral consciousness and little to no consideration for the suffering of others.

Saying that humans perform cruel acts is completely different form saying that we are cruel beings with no desire to concern ourselves with the suffering of others or simply not having empathy. For some time now, non human animals have displayed to scientific observers the surprising ability of altruism, empathy and inter species friendship, amongst non human animals, or other would be natural enemies and human animals. Many have been documented and reported both in the media and in scientific proceedings.  If we as human animals with the apparent ability of higher intelligence , a civilized species  that so proudly boasts of our abilities of using tools, forming structures, numerous accomplishments and other amazing feats ,then why do we find it so difficult to live in harmony with the  environment, the biodiversity or the non human animals.
To exercise compassion or concern for the needs of others oddly is viewed as a weakness or over sensitivity and somewhat abnormal. Whereas, not displaying such behavior is considered normal and many times encouraged by society as seen in its laws or lack of laws towards the protection of animals labeled as domestic, economic, wild life or others.  However, as with any attempt of socializing if there is a distance created between the two parties it is difficult for any further understanding to who and what are the needs, intelligence, etc. Therefore, in a similar manner that we approach cross cultural communications with awareness of various factors both verbal and non verbal, it should also be done with higher consideration of others rights to exist, without belittling or diminishing in this case non human animal's cognitive abilities and emotional capabilities.  

Usually, we are so blinded that we don’t realize that we are participating in a heard consciousness. Most of society’s members are simply following others and not questioning their own behavior. When we come to a realization or are given the opportunity to acknowledge the issues there are only two alternatives. Do you as an individual choose to morally develop maintaining your ethics and principles along with your actions and act accordingly or do you choose in suppressing the moral obligation and responsibility overlooking personal satisfaction, interests and convenience.

There are numerous responses a person can give for using animals or animal derived products, yet none provides an explanation other than pleasing the palate or profiting financially from it.  Mahatma Gandhi said it best when he stated that, pleasure without conscience; business without morality; and science without humanity; these are some of the things that would destroy us as individuals and as a society.

As a species we are only demonstrating that even though with great capacity to attain so much, we choose to use our strength, intelligence and dominion over others for selfish interests and that is core value we contributing to society, and the circle we create and maintain in our own daily lives.  From the time of primitive hunting gatherers to modern day civilizations we have displayed the ongoing evolution of our morals, ethics and perspective on social responsibilities and if we so desire to continue to evolve and strive to live in a more harmonious and non violent environment we must put into practice higher ethics without reservation or exceptions avoiding at all cost individualistic selfish needs and personal conveniences at the expense of others. The focus shouldn’t be on our differences but rather on our similarities, they are just like you and I. Observed by many and stated “the question is not can they reason? Nor can they talk? But can they suffer?”