

關懷生命協會秘書長 釋傳法











Parks must be a refuge for wildlife, not hunters

By Sakya Chuan-fa 釋傳法

Recently, the issue of whether national parks should be opened up to Aboriginal hunters has ignited intense debate among conservation groups. The view of the Life Conservationist Society on this issue, in contrast to the ebullient reaction from Aborigines, is that opening up national parks to hunting will greatly oppress the wildlife therein. Limiting the ability of wildlife to roam freely through the parks, the decision means that park animals will lose their last wildlife "sanctuary."

Of late, we have also received some reactions from hikers on this issue. They are very afraid of the animal traps that lay hidden in mountain forests, because such traps treat all species equally. There are even more traps near national park borders, as more wild animals tend to frequent those areas. If the park lands are opened to hunting, hikers fear they will lose a piece of land where they feel safe exploring.

We're not discriminating against Aboriginal culture. We oppose activities by any cultures that cause fear and oppression to life, including the Han Chinese practices of catching "spring chickens" (whereby people buy live chickens and let them loose in an area for catching game), digging up worms, eating the brains of live monkeys, or boiling the feet of live geese.

We're not singling out the Aborigines, seeing only disadvantaged animals while ignoring disadvantaged Aborigines. But there are people already fighting for Aboriginal rights and there are many channels through which Aborigines can voice their concerns. Although the Aborigines' struggle has been hard-fought, their cause has gradually won government attention, and the sympathy of society. If we don't stand up now and strive to preserve the last remaining safe haven for these animals -- who have no means to vote or speak up for themselves -- who will?

Actually, the issues of "hunting" and "conservation" aren't so black and white. The two causes essentially play the same tune on different instruments. Their common goal is to renew the use of wild animals by humans, which makes them both examples of "human-centered thinking." Thus, if conservation groups don't make the cross-over from "conservation" to "animal protection," and look at problems from the perspective of the animals' right to survival, then opposing "hunting" becomes a much less tenable position. We ask that this last "pure land" be set aside for the animals. Though national parks are not the only area where Aboriginal and local residents can hunt, they are the last remaining "asylum" for Taiwan's wild animals.

We also understand that asking Aborigines to abandon hunting is impossible at present. We thus didn't demand they be "forbidden" from hunting, but rather modestly requested that national parks not be opened for hunting. Is there no other place where hunting can occur?

Improvements in technology and advertising, plus the failure of traditions to be passed down, have changed Aboriginal hunting traditions. Most hunters today either use guns or set up animal traps of all kinds around the forest. Compared to the traditional knife, spear, bow and arrow -- or even bare hands -- the simple way of the "fair fight" between man and beast has all but disappeared. If the decision to open the parks to hunting is predicated on the preservation of traditional culture, maybe it should be demanded that traditional tools be used, so that the original appearance of traditional hunting can be restored. Otherwise, the "new hunting culture" of modern Aborigines will not only be a catastrophe for wild animals, but will become a cause of grief among the Aboriginals themselves, as they will witness the disappearance of their roots.
Translated by Scudder Smith

--原刊於Taipei Times, Dec 24, 2000,Page 8