



International Statement of concern for the whale shark
Mr. President, 
We, the undersigned, invite you to join the global effort to protect the whale shark, the largest fish in the sea. 
Taiwan is the world’s biggest consumer of whale shark meat, not only from sharks caught by Taiwanese vessels but also from illegal imports of meat into Taiwan. Known as “tofu shark”, this meat is widely eaten in Taiwan and is readily available from street vendors and in restaurants. 
Whale sharks are a long-lived, slow-growing species. Their lifespan is estimated at anywhere between 60 and 100 years; females could take up to 30 years to reach maturity. Because of this, the species is very vulnerable to depletion and may take many decades to recover from over-exploitation. 
Whale sharks are classified as Vulnerable by the World Conservation Union and the species was listed on Appendix II of the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in 2002. This means that international trade in the species and in its products is subject to strict regulation. In the past, Taiwan has taken the highly commendable step of implementing CITES decisions and, on occasion, of enacting even stricter domestic measures, despite not being a Party to the Convention. However, since domestic sales of whale shark meat are totally unregulated in Taiwan, there is no way of knowing whether the meat on sale in Taiwan is from locally-caught animals or from illegal imports. 
We appreciate that your government has taken the decision to reduce the annual quota of whale sharks from 80 in 2002 to 60 in 2006. However, the scarcity of scientific data on whale shark abundance means that we cannot know whether or not this is sustainable: continuing decreases in the average size of whale sharks being caught in Taiwan suggest that it is not. 
Whale shark fishing is banned is seven countries. Some countries have, instead, established whale shark tourism as a way of generating income from the species. According to Taiwanese research, the average annual income from Taiwan’s utilization of whale sharks is currently $US500,000 but, as populations continue to decline, this income will also decline. By comparison, Australia earns $US55 million annually from whale shark tourism. The Seychelles, Belize, the Philippines and Mexico also earn millions of dollars between them from visitors keen to see this magnificent animal in its natural habitat. In total, 18 countries have a whale shark watching industry. We understand that Taiwan recently hosted an international workshop to explore the feasibility of whale shark tourism in Taiwan. We encourage you to pursue this further and to benefit from the experience of others in establishing best practice. 
Satellite tagging has revealed that whale sharks travel many thousands of kilometers: a whale shark tagged in Australia undertook a journey of 2000 kms, and another individual is known to have traveled from the Gulf of California to Tonga, a distance of 13,000 kms. 
Mr. President, the whale shark is a truly global resource. It belongs to all of us. We therefore urge you to prohibit the killing and landing of whale sharks in Taiwan, whether caught in Taiwanese or international waters, and to enact legislation to ensure that all whale sharks caught incidentally are released. Furthermore, we request that you place the whale shark on the Schedule of Protected Species, thus affording it the highest possible domestic protection. 
We Thank you. 
Animals Asia Foundation, Hong Kong 
亞洲動物基金會.香港.總裁 Jil Robinson CEO
Born Free Foundation, UK 
生而自由基金會.英國.總裁 William Travers CEO
Born Free Foundation, USA 
生而自由基金會.美國.副總裁 Adam Roberts Vice-President
Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society, Canada 
加拿大海洋環境保護協會.加拿大.執行長 Annelise Sorg Director
Cetacean Society International, USA 
國際鯨豚協會.美國.總裁 William W. Rossiter President
Co-Habitat, UK 
共域.英國.執行長 Susie Watts Director
Conservation Through Research Education and Action, Panama 
保育教育科學研究組織.巴拿馬.執行長 Michael Roy Director
Earthtrust, USA 
保護地球基金會.美國.國際執行長 Linda Paul International Director, Endangered Species Program
Environmental Investigation Agency, UK 
環境調查協會.英國.計畫總監 Stephen Mills Head of Campaigns
Environmental Investigation Agency, USA 
環境調查協會.美國.總裁 Allan Thornton President
Greenpeace International, Netherlands 
國際綠色和平組織.荷蘭.國際與法律事務執行長 Geert Drieman Director, International & Legal Affairs
Human Society International, USA 
國際人道協會.美國.野生生物及棲息地計畫主持人 Nicola Beynon Wildlife and Habitats Program Manager
Life Conservationist Association, Taiwan 
中華民國關懷生命協會 創會理事長 Master Shih Chao-Fei Founder
Malpelo Foundation, Colombia 
哥倫比亞 馬培羅基金會.執行長 Sandra Bessudo Director
Marine Conservation Society, Seychelles 
海洋保護協會.塞席爾群島.總裁 David Rowat Chairman
MarViva Foundation, Panama 
瑪維瓦基金會.巴拿馬.執行長 Gabriela Etchelecu Executive Director
OceanCare, Switzerland 
關懷海洋.瑞士.總裁 Sigrid Luber President
Ocean Conservancy, USA 
海洋保護協會.美國.國際魚類保育計畫主持人 Sonja Fordham International Fish Conservation Program Manager
One Voice – France 
法國保育之聲.法國.海洋哺乳動物專家 Richard O’Barry Marine Mammal Specialist
ProWildlife, Germany 
野生動物保護組織.德國.海洋計畫主持人 Sandra Altherr Program Manager, Oceans
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, UK 
皇家保護動物協會.英國.海洋科學專家 Laila Sadler Marine Scientific Officer
Shark Research Institute, USA 
鯊魚研究協會.美國.執行長 Marie Levine Executive Director
Shark Trust, UK 
鯊魚基金會.英國.保育執行長 Alison Hood Director of Conservation
Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals (GSM e.V.), Germany 
海洋哺乳動物保護協會.德國.總裁 Petra Deimer President
WildAid, USA 
野生救援組織.美國.執行長 Peter Knights Director
World Society for the Protection of Animals, UK 
世界動物保護協會.英國.計畫主持人 David Eastham Campaigns Manager
Zoocheck, Canada 
動物園勘查協會.加拿大.執行長 Rob Laidlaw Director