

作者:房曼琪(旅美作家) 翻譯:陳宸億


美國食品藥品監督管理局( U.S. FDA)在2010年9月召開了一場關於是否核准基因改造鮭魚(Franken fish,即「科學怪魚」)上市的會議。媒體普遍認為,FDA之所以有這樣的動作,是在於基因改造鮭魚對部分人可能造成食用後的過敏性反應。該會議若進一步研討後通過,科學怪魚將會在兩年內由養殖場遍佈到各個超級市場。















在面對動保人士的質疑時,漁業業者大部分會堅稱魚類是缺乏複雜的大腦來感知痛苦的,然而這樣的假設卻屢遭科學界的反駁。在2003年,愛丁堡大學的研究人員便指出,在虹鱒(rainbow trout,一種鮭科魚類)的顏面和頭部遍佈著眾多的傷害感受神經(nociceptor)以偵測外界疼痛刺激,可見,魚類是能感受痛苦的;牛津大學的動物學家John Baker教授也指出龍蝦(能存活100歲以上!)被活生生丟入沸水烹煮時也表現出極度痛苦;利物浦大學的生理學家Lynne Sneddon教授也在其研究報告上說明魚類具有感受痛苦的能力,因為光是嘴唇上至少有58個疼痛感受神經,而魚體反常的搖動及扭曲行為,都是在劇烈疼痛下的反應,並不只是 單純的反射行為。

挪威獸醫學院博士生Janicke Nordgreen在她一份關於鮭魚、金魚、虹鱒的研究報告中提到,魚類甚至有恐懼、謹慎、焦慮、和對痛苦預見的能力,這正是如同其他脊椎動物一般;相對於那普遍的誤解——即聲稱魚類的痛苦反映只是一反射動作而已,Janicke Nordgreen的研究無疑是一嚴厲的反擊。換而言之,對於魚類,無論基於娛樂或商業的目的,我們必須做出道德考量。

在2010年4月,牛津大學出版社替著名生物學家布蕾絲威特教授(Dr. Victoria Braithwaite)出版了一本《魚類是否能感到痛苦》的書;在書中她提出新的證據去否定把魚類視為既無感覺能力亦無大腦的陳腐觀念。她的研究指出,魚類遠比我們所想像的聰明和具有感知能力,並且無論在生理上或心理上,魚類如同鳥類和哺乳類一樣都能夠敏銳感受痛苦(龍蝦、螃蟹、蚌蜆……等也都一樣,所以請善待牠們),乃在於牠們都有類似的神經纖維去偵察出組織的創傷或疼痛。













人類獨特的創作與思維能力,有別於爬蟲類大腦(reptilian brain)。「新」的大腦皮質給人類一項特殊的物種進化「使命」──即是所謂的道德理智與情感,用以控制如爬蟲類一般的權力意志的本能。如果沒有道德理智的指引約束,人類將不斷訴諸於掠奪性慾望(看看戰爭的歷史和現今的環境危機),更足以毀滅掉賜予我們一切的大地之母;據此,人類不得不在道德上和心靈上更加的「進化」,這不只是拯救地球,更是自救,動物保護、環境保護其實也同時在保護人類自己。




編按:根據華盛頓DC報導,美國 眾議院已於2011年6月15日表決通過禁止食品藥物管理局核准GE改造鮭魚上市。



The advisory board of the Food and Drug Administration held meetings in September 2010, regarding the approval of genetic modified salmon (known as Franken fish) developed by the Aqua Bounty Company. According to news reports, the only concern the FDA had was the possible cause of allergic reaction in some population. If approved after further studies, the Franken fish could be sold within two years from fish farms to super markets. There was also the issue of labeling such animal since the GE industries have been fighting the labeling law in order to protect their interests. Without proper labeling of a genetic modified product, the public will have no idea of what they are consuming.      

The Public Say No

Although the current debates are mainly evolved around the safety issues of consuming genetic modified food products, my argument is that the eventual approval of such food has no validity over the whole issue: the destructive consequences of genetic engineering on plants and animals,  since no one is certain of its harmful impacts on humans, the man made sickness to the animals and overall environmental risks.

The biotechnology of recombining genes from different animals and plants, in order to change their biological function and features for utility purposes, is a crime against nature. It is in every sense anti-life, anti-evolution and anti-ethics. The earth in which we inhabit is achieved through the experiential process of evolution over billions of years. There is absolutely no evidence that nature would favor the interest of our species over others, but the trans-genetic technology is reshaping life by altering the structure of genetic material in living organism. It is an unjust practice mainly driven by profitability.

And there is another ethical implication, that is both the consumers and the animals are being made into lab guinea pigs by the multibillion dollar agribusiness, and they are making huge profit from both. It is in this context that the public must exercise scrutiny.

Salmon are wild animals, they do not belong to laboratories, nor to be confined in crowded prison farms. The serious controversies over the G.E. salmon have generated strong objections from consumers, environmental groups, animal welfare groups and fishing industries. The American Anti-Vivisection Society and Farm Sanctuary had submitted a protest letter to the FDA, signed by 14 animal protection organizations that represent millions of supporters. According to a poll taken by CNN on Dec. 24, 2010, at least 45% of the people would NOT eat the Franken salmon.

What is Franken Fish?

It is a deformed trans-genetic fish reared in intensive aquaculture system. Its rapid growth is boosted by a recombinant technique-the  adding of a growth gene from the pacific Chinook salmon and a gene from the ocean pout. The fish grows twice as faster than its wild relatives due to the presence of the recombined DNA in cells throughout the fish body.  

In order for the company to control its intellectual property, the fish animals are made sterile (one more vice to monopolize their profits). As proprietor of the patented salmon, the company is able to capitalize the fish markets and have the exclusive right to create, own and sell eggs to fish farmers. The big question is: How could a for profit company be allowed to manipulate or destroy a piece of nature?


    Frankenfish, the big one in the back     AquaBounty Technologies


The Franken fish created in the laboratory, by definition, is a sick animal

It is an animal being inflicted with a manmade disease by altering its physiological functions. Since the fish are created by sick science, they must be confined and isolated in tanks just like sick patients in hospital wards, so to prevent the contamination of the healthy others.  Can we allow such cruel practice?  

The Health Controversy

The adverse effects of consuming G.E. animals have long been a health controversy.  So far, no government agency and no scientific study can rule out the long term effects from ingesting such food since Nature works much slower than the digestion of an experimental animal. One thing we do know is that the higher hormone level in farmed animals have been linked to higher cancer risks.

Many G.E. food items have already become part of our diet including wheat, rice, soy beans, corns, chickens and milk. Perhaps the Franken fish may soon become a fast food. But so far, no GE animal has ever been approved for human consumption in the US. The approval of trans-genetic fish will open the flood gate for more inbred science to experiment on other animals. In fact, a pig is being developed in Canada called Enviro pig, whose manure is less polluting and genetic modified cows do not produce methane in their flatulence. The applications for the approval of both G.E. animals are already next in line. There is no limit as to what the G.E. technology can do to exploit other sentient beings since they have absolutely no ethical consideration for the wellbeing of the genetic modified animals. 

As for our own health, no one can be certain that the animal we consume with mixed DNA and hormones could pose collective risks to our own biological integrity in the long run. It is up to Nature to decide the working order of things. We have no idea how would Nature try to fix the problems created by bio-technology; the consequences can be quite scary than we could ever imagine.  

Environmental Risks

The creation of G.E. fish also poses threat to the environment. There is no guarantee of the containment of the biotech salmon. It is likely that some will escape to the wild. The mixing of sterile genetic fish with native salmon species poses biological and genetic risks and demise on the wild salmon. The fish will compete with wild salmon for habitat, thus pushing them to collapse and cause extinction as the normal salmon lose their traits necessary for survival. The result is the disruption of natural selection and co-habitation.

The escape of genetic modified salmon means irreversible chaos for the living network. Even the genetic scientists cannot be certain of its effects on the environment, and when it does happen, there will be no cure as the consequences are irreversible.

Nature operates on a grand scale beyond scientific knowledge, it is a mystery. Its vast operation of sustaining every single life on earth cannot be reduced to mere economic values. The moral question we need to address here is that: do humans have rights to alter the way of nature and to treat non-humans as commodities and lab tools?

A Simple Equation

As human population explodes, reaching 9 billion by 2050, it seems rational and necessary to downsize the number rather than boosting its growth by producing more bio-tech food. Ethics must be the guide for medical and scientific research (see my footnote on further reading). The company that developed the Franken fish claims that this new animal product would help the world to meet the rising demand for seafood and as means to fight world hunger. The truth is there is no shortage of food, the problem of hunger is caused by unfair and uneven distribution of food.

The simple equation is that the higher density of human carnivores forces to raise more animals in factory farms including GE modified ones, and vice versa. Both are involved in a vicious cycles of irreversible destruction of the environment, which can hasten species extinction. We need to realize the chilling consequences of genetic modified products which goes far beyond the concern of food safety.

Fish Do Feel Pain, Confirmed by Leading Scientists

The genetic engineered salmon grow four times faster than the normal ones and conceivably they can suffer from internal imbalance. With the rapid and abnormal weight gain, the fish can no longer swim efficiently as they were supposed to migrate in great distance; instead, they are raised in inland aqua factory farms located hundreds of miles away from the ocean-their natural habitat. In intensive fish farming, the salmon are confined in high density which creates social problems for the animals (the same with human over population which has caused social chaos with increasing crime rates). A crowded salmon farm contains as much as 50,000 in one single enclosure! Many suffer from infection, parasites, debilitating injuries and other diseases from spending their entire lives in polluted water.   

Although the fishing industries argue that fish lack brain complexity to feel pain, but such assumption has been met with strong refutations from scientific communities:  In 2003, Edinburgh University researchers confirmed that the rainbow trout has poly-nociceptors around its face and head with nervous system to detect painful stimuli, which means fish can definitely feel pain.  Dr. John Baker, an Oxford University Zoologist, states that lobsters (can live up to 100 years) show extreme pain and trauma response when being boiled alive.  Dr. Lynne Sneddon, a physiologist at the Liverpool University, also concludes that fish can feel pain based on her research findings that fish has at least 58 pain receptors along the lips; fish responds to pain by displaying abnormal behavior such as shaking or twisting its body; it's not just a simple reflex.

Janicke Nordgreen, a doctoral student at the Norwegian School of Veterinary, through her studies of salmon, gold fish and rainbow trout, she observed that fish are capable of conscious perceptions such as fear, wariness and anxiety; the anticipation of pain is just like vertebrate animals-a sharp contrast to the common misconception that fish's response to pain is only a reflex.  In other words, we can no longer pretend that there are no ethical consequences from fishing-either for recreational (catch and release) or commercial purposes. 

In April 2010, Oxford University Press published a book Do Fish Feel Pain by Dr. Victoria Braithwaite, a renowned biologist. The book presents ample new evidence that challenges the stereotyped view that fish are not sentient and have no brain or feelings. On the contrary, Dr. Braithwaite proclaimed  that fish are far smarter and cognitively competent and have nerve fibers to detect tissue injury. Like birds and mammals, fish can suffer from stress, discomfort and pain, physiologically and psychologically.  (so as lobster, crab and shellfish, please be kind).  

Fish express pain by convulsive movements such as flapping, thrashing and gasping. The sight of buckets of fish piled on the deck left to suffocate is a sure sign of suffering. In the case of G.E. salmon, the chaotic hormonal effects on the fish's internal system put great stress on their bodies. Salmon belongs to the vast open sea, not to be subjected to a debilitating existence.

An Amazing Journey

The life of salmon is one of the most amazing wonder of nature, adult salmon migrate from their birth place, creeks or rivers, and follow the down streams into the open sea. During migration, their bodies undergo changes to adapt from fresh water to sea water. The salmon spend years in the ocean but eventually must make the home bound journey. They swim against the currents to return to the exact river where they were born; they often travel as far as one thousand mile, a treacherous journey, as salmon must jump thru raging waterfalls and swim upstream.

Salmon have long term memories, they remember the smell of the river of their birthplace. Both the male and female would fast during the difficult journey. Their home coming also means the completion of their cycle of birth and death. At the birth place, the male protect the eggs until the female died. They lie still in the water and die while the next generation of salmon is coming into being. This rite of procreation and  self-sacrifice, by making room and food for their offspring with a voluntary death, makes the salmon a saintly animal!     

The salmon's journey reflects the inner working of mother nature. All animals can smell and hear Nature's calling, the bees and flowers, the seasons and migrating birds and the salmon's upstream journey to complete their evolutionary mission, they all co-exist in UNISON. From forests to volcanoes, rivers to sky, insects to salmon, each tunes into a bio-synchronicity, except the homo sapiens.

A Lonely and Self-Alienated Species

Compare to a salmon's memory, humans seem to have lost theirs- the original habitat and the purpose of an earth journey. Instead, we have  violated the natural law by relying on destructive technologies and unsustainable economic policies (based on greed and aggressive consumerism),  and by messing the genes of plants and animals.  We have become a transitional species moving from its organic habitat to a virtual world; a self-alienated animal takes pride in re-ordering the nature of things.  

Like an unruly child, we push nature's movable bodies (the wild animals) out of sight  and domesticate animals for food including artificially altered ones. In turn, humans have become a useless species and must create its own laws and values outside the working order of a bio-system.  Just like the lab invented salmon being alienated from the sea, we ourselves have become a hybrid between an animal and a machine dependent creature.

What is Our Relations to Nature ?

Genetic technology invents sick animals by redesigning their biology, violating the rule of life: the bio-logic; it is a science disassociates itself from the organic relations of life. The beauty of nature has been the inspiration for poets and artists, can we appreciate the wonderful sights of wild animals, at the same time support an ill science that can destroy such wonder?

Our bio-centric relations with mother nature have been replaced by a human centered ethics and also by the pursue of economic interests. Is it because we have lost the early memories of our ancestors, a time when human apes were a continuum of fellow animal beings? Instead, we  created a hostile demarcation between us and them. But is this feasible? All species and their habitats are inseparable, both are an integral part of a larger community; humans are no exception. The journey of wild salmon can serve as a reminder of our own deep past.

What is The Purpose of Human Evolution?

Our unique ability to create and to reason is part of the higher function of our new brain, which sits right above an older one, the reptilian brain. The neo-cortex carries a specific evolutionary mission, that is, to develop moral intelligence and sensibility, as well as to monitor and quell the old reptilian instinct-the will to power. Without being guided by a moral intelligence, the human ape will resort to its predatory mind obsessed with domination (as we can clearly see in the history of wars and current environmental crisis), a mentality of "might is right" capable of destroying its own benefactor, the mother earth. This explains my rationale that humans have no choice but to evolve further, morally and spiritually, for the sake of our own survival and that of the planet. Animal and environmental protection are human protection.

When human interest clashes with that of the environment and non-human animals, the conflict must be resolved according to an Earth Ethics since Nature is independent from a manmade value judgment. Valuing means the ordering of one's priority based on ethical consideration (do no harm to others) and to inform one's decision making. In short, every action we take reflects a moral choice. Being self-aware and intelligent, humans are supposed to observe the nature's criterion as basis for value judgment; a criterion requires all species to behave in a reciprocal manner. Although most people would like to think that humans are the supreme, and would argue from a utilitarian interest, but we simply can't afford an environmental outage!

The acquiring of a new brain during human evolution is not just for inventing tools or machines, it gives us the ability to reason and to care, a mind can discriminate between right and wrong (although the definition of absolute right or wrong has been a debate among contemporary philosophers, but inflicting suffering on a sentient being is obviously wrong), between justice and slavery, kindness and brutality, selfishness and altruism, cooperation and domination; but most of all, the purpose of human intelligence is to recognize our humble place within the grand scheme of things. I truly think this is the meaning of human evolution: To evolve from a tree dwelling primate into an upright walking ape and  further evolve into a morally autonomous being, a process of getting beyond our base nature. As for the greedy agribusiness, they need a change of heart.

Further Reading:

1. The Frankenstein Thing: The moral impact of genetic engineering of agriculture animals in society and future science.  By B.E Rollin, professor of philosophy, animal science and biomedical science.

2. Ethical Issues in Biotechnology. Edited by Richard Sherlock and John D. Morrey


本文於2014年 1月14日更新,請參閱https://www.lca.org.tw/column/node/4605