
關懷生命協會長期關注捕獸鋏議題,不但與丁守中立委召開記者會,還與農委會合作製作教育宣導的海報文宣,目前進而於立法院推動禁止製造販賣陳列捕獸鋏法案。 以上努力已獲得國外動保團體聲援,目前在全球超過二百萬會員的PETA發起向農委會請願活動。
亞洲善待動物組織(PETA Asia) 近來接獲大量的抗議陳情,內容指出:在台灣許多縣市中,經常可見流浪動物及野生動物遭鋼製捕獸鋏夾傷或致死。許多受困於鋼製捕獸鋏的動物必須承受長達數天之久的痛苦折磨,最後因脫水、飢餓、或失血過多而死亡。有些動物(尤其是育有年幼子代的雌性動物)在亟欲脫逃的意志驅使下,甚至會咬斷被夾住的肢體以逃生。
本人謹代表亞洲善待動物組織(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Asia,PETA Asia)──亦即美國善待動物組織(PETA U.S.)的分會,PETA U.S.在全球的會員及贊助者超過兩百萬人以上──以此信懇求您立即禁止鋼製捕獸鋏在台灣地區製造、販賣與使用,並請協同警方積極逮捕設置捕獸鋏捕捉動物的違法者。
近來,PETA Asia接獲大量的抗議陳情,內容指出:台灣地區有許多縣市都發生流浪動物與野生動物遭鋼製捕獸鋏夾傷或因而死亡的事件。顯然,從市區的攤商到鄉間的農民,都有人會購置捕獸鋏來驅趕流浪動物。受困於鋼製捕獸鋏的動物必須承受巨大的痛苦,而且受苦時間長達數小時、甚至數天之久,最後才會因為脫水、飢餓、或失血過多而死亡。有些動物在強烈的求生意志驅使之下,甚至會咬斷被夾住的肢體、才得以逃出生天。
貴會目前致力於教育民眾有關捕獸鋏對動物所造成的殘酷傷害,以及修法管束捕獸鋏的使用,這些努力我們都相當予以肯定。然而,近來動物因受困捕獸鋏而導致死傷的消息頻傳,顯示前述那些作法是不夠的。PETA Asia與台灣當地動物保護團體均認為:解決此問題的唯一辦法就是立即禁止鋼製捕獸鋏的製造、販賣與使用。世界上有許多國家及地區都已經禁止販賣及持有捕獸鋏,並且,這種殘忍的工具不應該繼續製造生產。
PETA願意提供各方面的協助,與您共同阻止各種虐待動物的行為。請告訴我們您即將採取的措施,以便我們可以將相關訊息傳達給會員及贊助者。本人的聯絡電話是+852-6200 7588(香港),電子郵件信箱為JasonB@PETAAsiaPacific.com。感謝您花費寶貴時間共同參與並關心這個刻不容緩的重要議題。
傑森‧貝克(Jason Baker) 謹啟
國際事務處副處長(Vice President, International Operations)
February 23, 2011
The Honorable Wu-Hsiung Chen
Council of Agriculture
Via e-mail: whchen_ey@yahoo.com.tw
Dear Minister Chen,
I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia—an affiliate of PETA U.S., which has more than 2 million members and supporters worldwide—to urge you to ban the manufacture, sale, and the use of leghold traps in Taiwan immediately and to coordinate actions with the police to aggressively pursue offenders who set traps to capture animals.
Recently, PETA Asia has been flooded with complaints about incidents in which stray and wild animals have been injured or killed in leghold traps in various counties and cities in Taiwan. Apparently, vendors in cities and farmers in rural areas have been trying to keep stray animals away by buying and setting leghold traps. Animals caught in these devices endure immense pain and can languish for hours or days before finally succumbing to dehydration, starvation, or blood loss. Some animals even chew off their own limbs in a desperate attempt to return to their families.
While we appreciate your office's efforts to educate the public about the cruelty of leghold traps and to toughen the laws on their use, the recent reports of injuries and deaths indicate that the measures are proving to be insufficient. PETA Asia concurs with local groups that the only solution to this problem is to impose an immediate ban on the manufacture, sale, and use of leghold traps. Many countries and regions havebanned the sale and possession of leghold traps, and the supply of these inhumane devices must be eliminated.
PETA also strongly urges your office to work with law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate crimes relating to the use of leghold traps and to aggressively prosecute and impose strict punishments and hefty fines on anyone found to be in violation of the law. The law must be enforced rigorously in order for it to be an effective deterrent.
PETA stands ready to assist you in any capacity in order to help stop cruelty to animals. Please let us know of any actions that you may take so that we can relay the information to our members and supporters. I can be reached at +852-6200 7588 (Hong Kong) or JasonB@PETAAsiaPacific.com. Thank you for your time and attention to this important and urgent matter.
Jason Baker
Vice President, International Operations